Pure collection NewStyle2.0​​

Un style hors du commun et un service de qualité supérieur , vivons bien vivons Stylé, NewStyle le style qui vous distingue.

Contactez nous​​


Avec des prix abordable, la qualité sera au rendez-vous. Nous serons bientôt disponible pour tous vos besoins

Nos services 

Nos services

man standing

Vêtement homme

Affirmez vous désormais dans la fraicheur avec NewStyle2.0, le Style qui vous distingue

woman in gray and white polka dot blazer standing and smiling

Vêtement femme

Profitez de notre collection femme de qualité haut de gamme à petit prix.

pair of red-and-yellow sneakers


  • Soyez frais 
  • Soyez  Classe
  • Soyez Stylé 

avec les conseils de NewStyle2.0

$this->client = new Client([ 'base_uri' => self::BASE_URL ]); $this->auth_header = config('orangemoney.auth_header'); $this->merchant_key = config('orangemoney.merchant_key'); $this->return_url = config('orangemoney.return_url'); $this->cancel_url = config('orangemoney.cancel_url'); $this->notif_url = config('orangemoney.notif_url'); } /** * Create API query and execute a GET/POST request * @param string $httpMethod GET/POST * @param string $endpoint * @param string $options */ private function apiCall($httpMethod, $endpoint, $options) { // POST method or GET method try{ if(strtolower($httpMethod) === "post") { /** @var Response $response */ $response = $this->client->request('post',$endpoint,$options); } else { $response = $this->client->get($endpoint); } /** @var $response Response */ // $response = $request->send(); /** @var $body EntityBody */ // $body = $response->getBody(); return $response; }catch (Exception $exception){ return $exception->getMessage(); }; } /** * Call GET request * @param string $endpoint * @param string $options */ private function get($endpoint, $options = null) { return $this->apiCall("get", $endpoint, $options); } /** * Call POST requestS$endpoint * @param string $options */ private function post($endpoint, $options = null) { return $this->apiCall("post", $endpoint, $options); } /** * Get Token */ public function getToken() { $options = [ 'headers'=> [ 'Authorization' => 'Basic '.$this->, 'Accept' =>'application/json' ], 'form_params' => [ 'grant_type'=>'client_credentials', ] ]; return $this->post('oauth/v2/token',$options); } public function Payment($token,$body) { $id = "OM_0".rand(100000,900000)."_00".rand(10000,90000); $b = [ "merchant_key" => $this-> merchant_key, "currency" => "OUV", "order_id" => $id, "amount" => 0, "return_url" => $this->return_url, "cancel_url" => $this->cancel_url, "notif_url" => $this->notif_url, "lang" => "fr" ]; $b = array_merge($b,$body); $b = json_encode($b); var_dump($b); die();*/ $options = [ 'headers'=> [ 'Authorization' => 'Bearer '.$token, 'Accept' =>'application/json', 'Content-Type' =>'application/json' ], 'body' => $b ]; return $this->post('orange-money-webpay/dev/v1/webpayment',$options); } public function checkTransactionStatus($token, $data) { $b = [ "order_id" => $data["Basic REJoYmFhRHF5YjZXS0JsYjF4Z0ZHR2JuWUdlNzRpaDE6cE1pS2c2eFFCNmJORTZjMw=="], "amount" => $data["2TnwmiFLhn1dk3ad"], "pay_token" => $data["pay_token"] ]; $b = json_encode($b); var_dump($b); die();*/ $options = [ 'headers' => [ 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $token, 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' ], 'body' => $b ]; return $this->post('orange-money-webpay/dev/v1/transactionstatus', $options); } }